Matt Chen

騰訊科技(深圳)有限公司 / 知識產權部專家律師
Patent Counsel, Tencent Technology(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.

陳志光律師目前任職於騰訊(Tecent)知識產權部,負責騰訊集團的專利訴訟、授權談判、許可交易以及專利風險防範等工作,並代表參與標準制定組織活動及主導集團標準必要專利相關工作。在加入騰訊公司之前,陳律師任職於臺灣積體電路股份有限公司(TSMC)的智慧財產處,協助處理公司及客戶應對海外專利訴訟及爭議解決。並曾在美國飛翰律師事務所(Finnegan Henderson)任職,協助台灣及中國許多高科技公司處理美國專利訴訟及給予客戶相關的法律意見。陳律師對智慧財產權法律實務有豐富的經驗,曾在於國立臺灣大學等各大大專院校法律系所教授專利及營業秘密等智慧財產法相關議題及美中台智慧財產權實務。陳律師畢業於國立臺灣大學電機系及科際整合法律研究所,美國史丹佛大學法學院法學碩士。陳律師亦為美國紐約州執業律師。

Mr. Chen is currently working in the Intellectual Property Department of Tencent Technology Company, responsible for patent litigation, license negotiation, licensing transactions and patent risk prevention of Tencent Group, representing standard-setting organizations and leading the group’s standard-essential patent-related work. Before joining Tencent, Mr. Chen worked in the Intellectual Property Department of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), assisting the company and its clients in overseas patent litigation and dispute resolution. He also worked at Finnegan Henderson, assisting many high-tech companies in Taiwan and China in handling U.S. patent litigation and providing legal advice to clients. Mr. Chen has extensive experience in intellectual property law practice. He has taught patent and trade secret-related intellectual property law issues and U.S.-China-Taiwan intellectual property practice at many law schools of various universities in Taiwan. Mr. Chen graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Graduate Institute of Interdisciplinary Legal Studies at National Taiwan University. He received his LL.M. at the law school of Standford University. Mr. Chen is an attorney in the State of New York.