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Shakespeare Survey Online Bringing Worldwide History to Online
Cambridge University Press的學術保證

  Shakespeare Survey Online於2007年初正式發表,為一專門研究莎士比亞的年鑑資料庫,內容收錄 Shakespeare Survey 六十年來所出版的國際知名英國文學作品與莎士比亞作品評論。


Shakespeare and his Stage Othello Shakepearian Stages and Staging
Shakespearian Production Aspects of Shakespearian Comedy Shakespeare and the Elizabethans
The Man and the Writer Shakespeare’s Language The Tempest and After
Interpretation Shakespeare: Theatre Poet Shakespeare and Politics
Textual Critism Shakespeare’s Problem Plays Halmet and its Afterlife
The Histories Shakespeare’s Jacobean Tragedies Shakespeare and Sexuality
Style and Language Shakespeare’s Early Tragedies Playing Places for Shakespeare
The Comedies Shakespeare and the Ideas of his Time Shakespeare and Cultural Exchange
Hamlet Shakespeare’s Last Plays Romeo and Juliet and its Afterlife
The Roman Plays Henry IV to Hamlet Shakespeare and Language
The Last Plays Shakespeare and the Classical World Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century
The Elizabethan Theatre The Middle Comedies Shakespeare and the Globe
King Lear King Lear Shakespeare and Narrative
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries Characterization in Shakespeare Shakespeare and Religions
The Poems and Music Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century King Lear and its Afterlife
Shakespeare in the Modern World Shakespeare in the Twentieth Century Shakespeare and Comedy
Shakespeare in his Own Age Shakespeare’s Earlier Comedies Macbeth and its Afterlife
Shakespeare-Then Till Now Shakespeare and History Writing about Shakespeare
Macbeth Shakespeare on Film and Television Editing Shakespeare
Shakespearian and Other Tragedy Current Approaches to Shakespeare through Language, Text and Theatre Theatres for Shakespeare

  Shakespeare Survey著眼於英國文學,並致力於出版優質的國際學術文獻,多數皆成為莎士比亞評論之經典。


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